Episode 10

?? MANSON ??

I immediately phone my Dad, I can’t believe they all think Jayden could betray me like that. He was also treated like a criminal when my Dad had to suffer under those two regime.

The money Williams actually thought Gomez took from him that made them hate each other guts was from me and my father with the help of Jayden.

? Yes sir
?All of them?
?We got all of them
?I will meet you there *I hang up the call*

“Let me go”Camila cried and I was touched, even though her dad is a criminal I want to kill so badly I still have a soft spot for her after our first meeting.

“Let her go, I will take care of her”I order my guards and he let go off her and I forcibly took her hand and walk her to my car leaving the rest to my gang member.

……………Back to the kidnapping scene…………….

“Look like you got caught in your own web”My dad said sarcastically mocking Gomex who is now with us in the dark room but I still couldn’t see him or what he is doing.

“Just shut up okay”he yelled angrily and I flinched. This man must be a Assassin in his young age…Geez!!!.
“You should be the one to keep quiet after escaping with my money”My dad yelled back.

“What money?it the other way around you this scammer”
“What are you two talking about”It my mom talking on.

“Honey you can’t understand”My dad replied calmly to my mom.
“No…I need an explanation”She insist.
“Can I say something”Vivian intervene.

“I think Conway got you two at the right place now let fking know how we will escape before he comes back”she raise her voice angrily.

That was awesome…No wonder Jackson likes her so much back then. She is courageous.
“I think I’m free”Zoey said and I felt someone moving around.

“Who is that”I said scared it might be manson again or his gang members.
“It me”Zoey whispered as the whole room was bright and to my surprise Zoey is free.

“How did you do that?”When you were busy arguing I was trying to get myself free”he said and walk to me first and set me free.

I got a clearer view of where we are to my surprise Gomez was tied to my Dad.

Manson is crazy!!
These hate each other guts.
“Thank you”I said genuinely and went to lose my mom while Zoey went to Vivian and to my surprise neither of us made an attempt to lose the two of them.

“And what are you all doing”my dad asked and no one reply.
“Can someone lose this rope now”he ordered.
“What”he yelled.

“Can you stop shouting and kid lose me now before they get back”Gomez order but instead we all just stare at them.

“We will do that on one condition”Zoey said and I exchange a glance with him and he Smirk.
“Which is?”

“Apologise to each other and let settle things so we can find Zeke and the rest”Zoey said.
“You can’t keep on fighting, you need to forgive each other”My Mom added.

“That not possible”My dad said.
“Then you guys will wait till he gets back ND wipe you off”I said and walk away while the rest follow me and we were all searching for the way out.

“Lose me now”My Dad kept shouting but no one listen

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