M.I.A (Merciless In Action): Episode 31-40

Episode 38

Desmond’s POV

A while later the driver got to the place and I looked around and not know where to start from so I decided to ask the driver.
” Heyy…umm…do you speak English? ” I asked.
” yes….what do you want? ” he said.
” I heard there are some terrorist around here, could you tell me their location just so that I won’t invade their property ” I said.
” You need not to worry their camp is very far in the forest, just right over there” he pointing at a direction.
” oh thank you” I said then bring out money to pay him.
” are you going for a program?” he asked.
” yes, it’s very early tomorrow so I need to start preparation tonight” I said.
” can you find your way to the place?” he asked.
” yeah …..i will ask around thanks ” I said then alighted from the car.
I looked around the place and moved forward, after the taxi drove off I entered the forest.
I took off my chef uniform cause I will be easily detected in the dark, I bring out my dagger and move further into the forest.
I walked for almost 30 minutes then I found a building not too far away from where I am.
I saw people around the building with weapons in their hands, this must be the terr©rist camp.
I counted the men outside they shouldn’t be more 15 men, 20 at most but I don’t know how many more inside.
First thing first, I need to cut their electricity to put me in a better position to attack.
So I bring out the E.M.P device then activate which cause all the light to went off instantly.
” kwenzeka ntoni ekukhanyeni” I heard one of them saying the other.
” andazi, ndiyeza ” the other guy said then left leaving the guy alone in that position.
” pheeeeww…..Let’s get the party started” I said then draw out my kn1fe.
I made my move to the guy as silent as I can be and sl1t his thr©at and drag him into the forest.
An Idea came to me so I pull off the guy’s clothes and put it on, so I can blend in perfectly.
This Gave me a good opportunity to enter without anyone actually recognising me cause it’s very dark.
I walked boldly amongst them as some were sitting while some were laying down having a conversation.
The moonlight is the only thing that brightens the place.
I entered the building without anyone stopping me, I saw some people holding a touchlight and I quickly hid to avoid them.

After they left I continue moving, I started trying to find any caller where they could hide their prisoner.
I started looking everywhere but couldn’t find him, anytime someone passes I had to pretend I was only passing by.
I took the stairway to the upper floor and started looking around as well, then I noticed all the rooms have a light in them except one.
” It’s must be a touch light cause I’ve cut their electricity” I said to myself and moved to the one with light.
Then I tried to take the risk of finding out, I looked around carefully and make sure no one is around then I moved to the room.
I tried to open but it was locked which make my work very difficult, then I tried to burst it open but I couldn’t.
Then I heard someone coming towards the place then I quickly hide at a dark spot, the person came and sat in front of the door.
This made me believe they must be guarding something probably the guy I’m looking for.
I looked around and make sure the coast is clear then I came out of the dark, immediately he saw me he was startled.
” wenzani ngaphaya” he said and I notice the way he said that means he doesn’t know I’m an intruder.
” I uhh…i.uui” I muttered stylishly moving closer to him and he went to switch on his touchlight, after I’ve gotten close enough I thrust the d@gger into his thr©at.
After he died I looked for the keys in his pocket and I found it then unlocked the door.
I dragged the dead body into the room and close it back, I switched on the touch and I look into the room and saw someone at the corner of the room.
He was tied to the pole and there’s a hood to cover his face, I removed the hood and I was shocked with who I saw.
” Steve?” I said as I saw my one and friend from the army.
” Steve?” I said again.
” Who…who are you?….who are you?” he said not recognising me which I know because of the beard and mustache I put on.
” it’s me buddy, it’s Desmond, Dee Dee” I said.
” Dee Dee?..but wha…..”
” Not now Steve…….we need to go now?” I said then cut the rope used to tied him together.
” What about the file you retrieve?” I asked.
” you know about the file?” he asked surprised.
” yes,…i was sent by them, I didn’t know you’re the hacker they talked about” I said.
” I still have the file, there’s a lot going on Dee Dee?” he said.
” you can tell me all about it when we get out ” I said.
” how do we get out?” he asked.
” I’m not sure, just follow me” I said then peep outside just to be sure we are free to move out.
” you need to change your clothes?” I said then we took off the dead guy’s clothes.
He used his own cloth to clean the bl©©d on the clothes and he wore it.
I take a peep outside one more time and After no one can be seen I lead him outside and we moved together.
” Act normal don’t get scared,…….just play along” I said.
” okay…but what if they speak to us?……i can’t speak their language ” he said.
” then don’t reply” I said as we continue moving.
As we are going there are about five of them coming straight in our direction and they’ve seen us already so we can’t hide.
” Act normal” I said as we move closer to them luckily non of them have a touch.
” Xelela umntu ukuba alungise i-generator” one of the men said to us as we met.
” Okay” I said and we passed them and I heaved a deep breath.
” do you speak their language?” Steve asked.
” No I don’t but I heard generator so I know it’s about generator, and there’s no country that doesn’t understand the word ‘okay’ ” I said.
” Are we safe?” he asked.
” not at all, we still have to deal with the ones outside and let’s hope those that passed us doesn’t notice you’re gone ” I said as we reached the ground floor.
” Heyyy, isibanjwa sibalekile” I heard someone shouted from upstairs.
” I guess now they do,……. Let’s go” I said as we hurriedly move out of the building.
We got outside and see everyone hurriedly grabbing their weapons.
” follow gently behind me” I said pulling out my gun as we moved behind the walls.
We continue moving stealthily then one of them came right before us and I shot at him twice and he dropped dead.
I knew the rest will be coming right to that position immediately and I told Steve go into the forest.
The others appear behind us and started shooting and I shot back at them killing two.
” stay down and move gentle” I said then continue shooting at them.
Four appear behind us and I shot them all and they went down.
We keep running in the forest and they keep shooting at us, after running for some time we reach the other side of the forest.
As we got to the road we continue running and I can still see them coming after us.
” let’s take off the cloth now” I said then we started pulling off the terrorists cloth, we took a corner and continue running until we lost them.
I took off the cartridge belt and removed the things in it and put it inside a nylon on the ground.
I can’t have anyone looking strangely at me carrying a gun, We keep running on the street then we saw a bus and we entered.
I checked my time and it’s just few minutes past eleven, the bus reached the bus stop and we took a cab to the hotel that I lodged in.
The cab reached the hotel in about an hour later and we got down, I looked around to make sure we aren’t followed then we entered the hotel.
I went straight to my room with Steve beside and after we in, I locked the door immediately.
” Dee, you have no idea how much I missed you buddy, Thank you” he said pulling me for a hug.
” Same here man” I said then we disengaged.
” what’s going on man?……what are you doing here?” I asked.
” I’m here as a hacker to unlock a file for the FIIB” he said.
” when did you start working for them?……what happened to the army?” I asked.
” I am still in the army, the Major seems to be a friend to one of the DIG, that’s how they learn about what I can do, I’ve been helping for them for the past 9 months” he said.
” are they doing anything illegal?” I asked.
” No, not that I know about” he said.
” what about you Dee Dee?, what are you doing with them?” he asked.
” I’m an agent, a secret agent for one of the DIG, I was sent here to save you and retrieve the file” I replied.
” Ohhhhh Man, those people lied to us………ther
e’s so much they didn’t tell us” he said and I was confused.
” what do you mean?” I asked.
” what did they tell you about the ship?” he asked.
” They told me there was a shipment heading to Nigeria through the sea but there was windstorm which claim lives of those in the ship”
” according to what they told me the container is now in an unknown place but they don’t know where that is, only the captain of the ship knows the whereabout”
” but unfortunately the Captain died but before he died he put the location of the container and everything about the container into a flash drive” I narrated.
” did they tell you what is inside the container?” he asked.
” No they don’t, they told me they have no idea, probably something valuable, they also told me the captain put a password to the flash drive keep it in a safe here in South Africa ” i said.
” yeah that’s what they made me believe too only for me to figure out it was all lies” he said.
” you’re still confusing me Steve, just tell me what’s going on” I asked impatiently.
” that’s not what really happened” he said.
” how do you know that?” I asked.
” The leader of the terr©rist told me all about it, everything that happened ” he said.
” what did he tell you?” I asked.
” the ship and the container doesn’t belong to anyone in Nigeria, the ship is heading towards Madagascar and it is owned by a powerful drug dealer ” he said and I was shocked.
” whaaaat” I said surprised.
” that was my reaction when I heard that, you know what I also find out the container contains lots of drugs and money as well” he said.
” Drugs what do they want with drugs?…..are they crazy?” I said.
” i don’t think they are actually after the drugs but the money in the container ” he said.
” money?…..how much are we talking about? ” I asked.
” 13 billion dollars and if converted to Nigeria currency it’s 5 trillion naira” he said and my eyes bulged out.
” whaaaaaaaat” I shouted.
” I’m telling you bro, the DIG’s have been monitoring the Madagascar drug dealers for a while now and they got an Intel about it” he said.
” There wasn’t any windstorm…….The captain and every other people that died on the ship were not who we thought they are, they are all agents” he said.
” the agents hijacked the ship on the sea and they turned back and head to Nigeria” he said.
” during the clash many of them were killed, the captain was badly injured and he took the ship to a safe place which is unknown but the location is in the file” he explained.
” I can’t believe this, how do you know this terr©rist didn’t lie to you just to get into your head?” I asked.
” I don’t but when he said it everything fall in place, now tell me did they tell you where the ship is coming from or who sent it?……how can they not know what was sent to them? ” he asked and it occurs to me.
” Oh My God, I never asked……..how come I miss something like that…..how come I didn’t ask that? ” I said.
” They had us fooled” he said.
” do you know the location of the container?” I asked.
” I don’t and I don’t want to know……i don’t want any part of that, I don’t want the money as well, everything is on the flash drive” he said.
” and where is the flash drive? ” I asked.
” it’s with the leader of the terrorist, it’s either I give it to him or he kills me” he said.
” it’s gone then” I said.
” No it’s not, when we were being pursued I transfered everything into my email…..and put a password on the flash drive” he said.
” really?……what if they hacked it?” I asked.
” I’ve taken precautions as well, I’ve put a virus on it, so if anyone tried to hack the flash drive……..th
ey will lose everything” he said.
” that’s good then” I said.
” imagine if anyone got hold of that, the terrorist will use it to enhance and enlarge themselves, causing havoc and chaos in the country, the DIG’s will take it for themselves” he said.
” I will send everything to your email if we get a laptop, I don’t want any part in all of this” he said.
” I have my laptop here with me” I said then bring out my laptop and give it to him.
” oh that’s good then,……i want out of all this……i don’t want their money…..I don’t want anything again….I don’t want to work with them anymore……i just want to be free” he said and started working on it.
” I’m sorry to say this Steve, I don’t think you will ever be free, my plan is that none of them will get hold of that container” I said.
” and if they don’t…… your life will be at risk” I said.
” what do I do?” he asked.
” I’ll figure it out” I said.
” Done, everything is now in your email…….I’ve deleted the one in mine so now only you have the file” he said.
” Good” I said.
” but to open the file, you will need a passcode” he said.
” Tell me” I said.
” File 517, Access code G21-12-57″ he said and I save it on my laptop.
” this job is a shitty Job, dee……….this people are just using us for their bad work” he said.
” I don’t know what to think Steve, the DIG that sent me will never lied to me, I mean he never did, I don’t understand why he would now” I said.
” Well that means you don’t know him quite enough then, you’ve been played……we’ve both been played” he said.
” Let me call him…….i have to call him” I said then reached out for my phone and dialled his number.
” Hello sir ” I said.
” oh MIA, you got me worried…….i told you to always keep me updated” he said.
” I’m sorry sir…..i was just too busy” I said.
” alright……what’s your status? ” he asked.
” package secured but……..the hacker was killed in an encounter ” I said and I can see the surprise look on Steve.
” Damn…….returned back to the country, you did your best MIA” he said.
” Sir, I need to ask you a question and I want you to answer me truthfully” I said.
” what is it?…….is everything alright?” he said.
” What’s inside that container?” I asked.
” I told you we don’t know…..no one knows” he said.
” STOP LYING TO ME” I shouted angrily.
” Mike?…..what’s going on?” he asked.
” All you do is make use of people, all of you just for your own selfish gain………..and you lied about the container filled with money…. Stolen money” I shouted.
” Whaaat?……Mike…Mike, listen to me I don’t know what you’re talking about…… I really don’t know what you’re talking about?” he said.
” Quit the petty charade Sir, I’m coming back to Nigeria tomorrow and No one will have that file” I said.
” I’m done working as an agent” I said then ended the call.

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