A WALK TO THE UNKNOWN Episode 1 – The End

|Diary of A Pastor’s Wife|
Written by Vivi Oluoma
Bunmi was sitting at the back of the church during service worship that Sunday. She is not among the favorite back sitters but this Sunday was just different.
She could not understand the inspiration behind the cloth she was wearing that Sunday. Her mirror had told her she was good to go but immediately she stepped into the church premises, she suddenly felt that the sea green shoe didn’t match the flowing pink gown she wore.
And what the hell is this brown bag doing in her hand? She couldn’t believe that out of all the handbags she have, that it was this one that felt good then.
Anyways, that was not the reason why Bunmi sat at the back – she was just unsure of where to sit that Sunday and her heel shoe was making some annoying ‘koikoi’ sound.
“Good morning sister Bunmi, an usher greeted her. He handed her a letter. ” From the marriage committee ” she muttered reading what was written on the envelop. When the usher left, many things raced through her mind but she waved them all aside. She wasn’t in the right frame of mind to think on anything now. She just hoped that this time around, something reasonable would come out from this letter she was holding because she was already tired of being a spinster when all her mates were already getting married.
She was already used to getting proposal letters from the M.C. Being a young lady in her late twenties though, many brothers have been flooding the marriage committee to walk her down the isle.
” Everybody wants to get married to sister Bunmi, she said rolling her eyes in great annoyance. Even those with no class! She bellowed wearing a deep frown.
Something rebuked her, a still voice in her. This wasn’t a proper way for a Christian to talk.
I’m sorry Lord but I’m even getting confused. Who knows how many brothers that has lined up again? She asked rhetorically. Then she remember the man she saw in the dream. She hissed – “he’s not even an option” she concluded.
*Bunmi is outrightly refusing God’s will. She knows how God speaks to her. She knew God was speaking but have just refused to give that still voice a chance. Instead of praying, she concluded he can’t be the one probably because she didn’t like the facial appearance she was seeing.
I think Bunmi is in danger of getting God’s permissive will soon!
Let’s follow on and see what awaits her in the next episode.
I think there is something Bunmi is lacking as a Christian.
What do you think?
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