A WALK TO THE UNKNOWN Episode 1 – The End

|Diary of A Pastor’s Wife|
Bunmi sat patiently in the marriage committee’s office. She checked her time almost constantly. She was told that the man that brought the proposal letter went to use the restroom. Her stomach was already rumbling in hunger.
The door quacked. She became anxious of who this man might be as the door opened quietly and Kunle stepped in.
What? This same man on the same Ankara shirt and trouser? The same cloth he wore in her dream and to her office. “What is happening? She demanded from herself. Obviously he doesn’t even have another cloth, she muttered with a disdain look on her face.
Unknown to her, it was God that was trying to confirm to her that He was the one speaking to her.
” you’re welcomed back brother Kunle”, pastor Eze the marriage committee chairman said beaming with smiles.
Thank you sir, I’m so sorry for keeping you people waiting, Kunle apologized. He took a quick glance at me smiling.
“Sister Bunmi,” pastor Eze called out.
Sir, I answered returning my gaze at him.
Brother Kunle here, brought a marriage proposal to you. So we want you to go back and pray seriously about it. Give us your answer whenever you are done praying.
I’m sorry Sir but the Lord is not leading me so there won’t be any need to go back and pray, Bunmi bursted out to the surprise of everybody.
Excuse me? How would you know when you haven’t prayed, pastor Eze inquired really surprised.
You won’t understand Sir but he can not be the one, he just can’t. Please I would like the file about us to be closed, Bunmi said standing up.
Kunle just kept mute. He felt really embarrassed. He wanted to say something; maybe plead with her to reconsider praying about it but just couldn’t because he felt a big lump in his throat. His sight were getting blur as tears where already forming in his eyes. He was just the emotional type.
Sister Bunmi, I’ll advice you to go back and pray about this proposal. You can’t know the mind of God by concluding so fast but if you persist, we’ll close the file.
“Close the file”, Bunmi insisted leaving the office.
She heard that still voice again as she left the office speaking gently to her – ” for my ways are not the ways of man neither are my thoughts their thoughts.”
“What is wrong with me?” Sister Bunmi asked rhetorically standing outside the office. Why am I so hard on this stranger? Why do I feel a strong hatred for him even without knowing his personality? What is happening to me Lord? – but that still voice was gone from her.
Satan is very subtile, he knows when the right thing is standing near us. He blinds us and makes us rebellious to His(God) will. If only Bunmi will at least seek the face of God, the love of God will surely prevail over the hatred Satan has placed in her heart for Kunle.
Brother Kunle do not be discourage, go back to the Lord in prayer. He has never failed his children and he can’t start with you. That she turned down the proposal doesn’t mean that God lied to you because God is not a man that he should lie, please be encouraged in the Lord, pastor Eze advised Kunle.
Can God have another will for his child?
What advice can you give to Kunle?
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