M.I.A (Merciless In Action) SEASON 2: Episode 1-10

Episode 6

Author’s POV

Desmond made them shoot each other to death and after they are dead he arranged everything and made it looks like they killed themselves.
He removed the handcuffs and left a gun in the conference room.
He attached back the beard and mustache and left the facility the same way he entered without anyone stopping him.
(Few Hours Later)

REPORTER: “what an unfortunate incident that happened here in FIIB Facilities in Abuja, as the six DIGs were found dead in the conference room”.
“it’s still a mystery and as well a shock to everyone as to what really happened, according to the position they were found it looks like they killed themselves which so very weird”.
“According to the agents in the facility the DIGs came for a meeting just like they always does, but only DIG Aliyu brought someone with him and the person is unknown”.
“The agents saw the unknown guy came out of the conference room alone few hours ago but they never really suspected him”
“They checked the security feed but they couldn’t get the face of this guy cause they are having a system malfunction at that moment”.
“No one really knows what actually went wrong in the conference room, investigation is ongoing as we speak and hopefully very soon we will know the culprit behind this”
” Good Afternoon, my name is Joy Uzor, BTN news”.

Desmond took a plane back to hanford city after he have dealt with the DIGs, the plane touch down at the airport he walked out of the lobby and took a cab back to Hotel.
After he has rested and freshen up, he started looking for an apartment in shamla province.
He planned on resuming back to work by nextweek and have been preparing for what he’s going to tell the press.
But before doing that he planned to go look for the container, so he logged in to his email and check the location of the container.
He saw the location and the next day he fly out to an island not too far from South Africa.
It took him two days before he could find the container, it was in a very lonely place where no one could ever thought it could be.
Desmond opened the container and found exactly what was said to be in their, lots and lots of dollars and drugs.
Desmond couldn’t believe his eyes then he locked it back and planned on coming back for the container and hid it in a more safe place.
So he left the island and went back to Nigeria with intention to come back.
Desmond’s POV
(A week later)

I’ve gotten myself a nice house just like the last one, it has a mini storey just like the last one and the only thing remaining in the house are cameras and for it to be well stocked with Guns.
I will be resuming back at the station today and also be talking to the press to explain what happened at least the fabricated one and also about my disappearance.
I got dressed and went to the kitchen to fix something for myself, and after i’m through with it i grab my bag and lock the door then i went out of my new house.
I got outside and waved down a cab which took me to the station, after the death of the six DIGs Mr martins hasn’t call me which is just what i wanted, he gave his reason for not being at the meeting with the rest.
Even the IG spoke about not knowing about the meeting at the facility but promised to find the root of what really happened.
” Good luck with that” I said to myself.
The cab driver parked right in front of the station and i paid him,i came out of the car and went to the gate and when the officers saw me their eyes bulged out in shock.
“SIR?” They said a little scared that they saw a ghost.
“How are you guys?” i asked.
“Fine sir, but how?” one of the guys asked.
“It’s a miracle but i’m glad to be alive to see your faces” i said smiling.
“You’re welcome back, sir” they said.
” It’s Good to be back” i said then went inside the station and i got the same expression when i entered.
They all asked about what happened and i told them they will find out what happened very soon.
” where’s the ASP?” i asked.
” she’s yet to be here, sir?” one of them answered.
” when she arrive tell her to see me” i said then went straight to my office and see that it’s just as i left it four months ago.
A while later a knock came to my door and i invite the person in and the ASP entered.
” SIr, You’re alive” she said.
” so, it seem” i said.
” report said you died” she said.
” yeah, i almost died but i survived” i said.
” i still can’t believe this” she said.
” i was attacked by gunmen, i don’t know who they are” i said.
” this is what i want you to do for me, call the press and told them what really happened” i added.
” okay sir, it’s so good to have you back” she said.
” me too, how’s your daughter?” i asked.
” she’s fine, i actually followed your advice i got a new house for my parent here in hanford city and sophie is now staying with them” she said.
” i’m glad to here that” i said.
” i’ll go prepare the press” she said.
” yeah you do that…..thanks” i said and she left.

The press have gathered in the station waiting for me and i came out of my office to talk to them.
” i know you’re all surpriced to see me and i know you all have lot of questions for me as to what really happened four months ago, you can ask your question cause i’m ready to answer” i said.
All the journerlist raised their voice in question and i pointed to one of them to speak up.
” Sir, when we saw the report, there are bloods all over your house, lots of blood actually”
” No body could be found anywhere and your car was found wrecked on the bridge” She said.
” sir, would you please tell us what happened on that very day?” she asked.
” it was in the midnight, i was sleeping then i saw them come in multiples and they started shooting and i shot back in self defense, when i realised they are too much i made a run for it” i said.
” They caught up with me and i add an accident, but luckily someone saved me” i concluded.
” do you have any idea who wants you dead?” she asked.
” NO, i don’t….i have no idea” i replied.
” don’t you think they might come back when they realised you’re still alive” she said.
” well, this time around i’ll expecting them” i said.
” That will be all…..thank you” i said then walk out.

I left the station and went home since i don’t have much of a work to do.
when i got home i freshen up and went to the kitchen to fix something for myself to eat.
when i was eating my phone started ringing and i checked the caller ID and see that it’s a private number.
I bring out my laptop and quickly figure out who the person and after a while i was able to trace back the call to abuja.
The call ended before i could picked it and i waited for the person to call back and just immediately the call returned and i picked it.
” Hello Sir” i said as i got the owner of the phone.
” MIA……i heard you’re back” the IG said.
” yes sir….i just got back today” i said.
” yeah, i saw it on the TV ……i’m happy to know you’re alive” he said.
” thank you sir” i replied.
” But sir, how did you get my number?” i asked.
” i’ve got eyes and ears everywhere, it wasn’t that hard” he said.
” i want to ask you few question and i want you to answer me honestly” he said.
” Absolutely sir” i said.
” i know you must have heard about the incident with my DIGs” he said.
” yes sir, it was such an unfortunate one” i replied.
” Mr martins told me they are behind what happened to you” he said.
” OhmyGod, i had no idea they could do something like that to me” i said smiling whithin.
” Stop being dramatic MIA, i know you’re behind their death, making it look like they killed each other” he said.
” I have no idea what you’re talking about sir, why would i do such thing to such honorable and respected people” i denied.
” Besides,i just got back how will i go for such thing, i’m a well decorated officer and i have a code” i added.
” and if these people really are behind what happened to me then i guess i should be thankful to God that fight for me” i said.
” deny it all you want, you should know i’m not holding it against you” he said.
” I still don’t know what you’re talking about Sir” i said and i heard him chuckle.
” you’re a clever boy Mike…….Welcome back” he said.
” Thank you sir” i replied then the call ended.
” That should be a lesson to the you out there, i have a code and it is NO MERCY FOR THE WICKED”

” whaaaaat?…….what do you mean she’s missing?” Mr martins shouted over the phone.
” I’m sorry sir, one minute i was with her then all of a sudden ii couldn’t find her” someone said over the phone.
” You’ve got to be kidding me, i gave you one simple task and you failed….you better find her or else you have no idea how violent i can be” Mr martins said.
” FIND HER FOR ME” Mr martins shouted then ended the call.
“what’s wrong?…what’s the matter?…who was that?” Mrs martins asked curiously.
” it’s Eliza, she’s missing” mr martins said.
” Whaaaaat?…..what did you just say?, how did that happen?” she said as she became restless.
” we shouldn’t worry too much, she will okay…….please calm down” mr martins said.
” calm down?…my daughter is missing and you want me to calm down…..no i can’t” mrs martins said.
” We will find her…..I promise you”.
(Few days later)The Martins family have been pulling every strings and button they could to find their missing daughter.
” Let’s call MIA, he should know a way to help us” Mrs Martins said.
” I don’t know……he has been ignoring my calls for a couple of times now ” Mr Martins said.
” Try again and explain the situation on ground to him, we need all the help we can get, I need my daughter back home safely” Mrs Martins said.
” Okay……let me try his number” he said then he dialled Desmond’s number.
” Hello Mike”
” Hello sir, I told you we should stop communicating with each other, I made it clear to you” Desmond said.
” Please listen to me…… something came up……my da…….”
” With all due respect Sir, please let’s stay clear of each other” Desmond said.
” My daug…….” He couldn’t complete his statement when he disconnect the call.
” He cut the call” Mr Martins said.
” oh God, what are we going to do now?” she asked.
” uhmm……maybe, i’ll go see him perhaps maybe he will hear me out” Mr Martins said.
” No…no…. You can’t what if he just shunned you again,……. We are wasting time……. So let me go, I’m sure he will listen to me” Mrs martins said.
” okay then, if you think so” Mr Martins said then Mrs martins went to her room.
Few minutes later she came out changed into another dress, then she grabbed her car keys.
She entered her car and ignited the engine then she drove off .
Desmond’s POV

Mr Martins have been calling my phone for some time now and I’ve been ignoring his call.
He should understand I have my reasons for not associating with him, they’ve use his family once someone else might try it again.
I don’t want to be the reason his family get into trouble so it’s best if we keep our distance.
Thank God I didn’t tell him about my family, that’s how he would have spit it all to them.
The taxi reached the station and I paid him, I got down and went straight to my office to do my job.
An hour later a knock came on my door and I invited the person in.
” Sir” the Sergeant saluted as he came in .
” Yes” I said.
” you have a visitor ” he said.
” who? ” I asked.
” The DIG’s wife, Sir ” he said.
” you mean Mrs martins?” I asked.
” yes sir ” he replied.
” let her in” I said.
” okay sir ” he said then left and just immediately Mrs martins rushed in and kneel right in front of me.
” Ma’am, what are you doing?…….please stand up” I said as I was so confused.
” please Help us Mike,……please Mike, you have to help us” Mrs martins said.
” help you?…..what’s the matter?….what’s wrong?” I asked.
” my daughter is missing” she said and I was shocked.
” missing?……how is that possible……I thought she’s always with you?…..how did that happen?” I asked.
” No Mike, it’s not my youngest daughter Lara……it’s my oldest daughter Elizabeth” she said.
” whaat, you mean the one studying in Belgium?” I asked.
” yes, we were informed that she’s been missing” she said.
” how long has it been?” I asked.
” it’s been a week now, my husband paid some people to look for her and they haven’t found her till now”
” I told my husband to call you for helping but you’ve been ignoring his call” she said.
” I’m so sorry, I have my reasons for ignoring his call……….I’m so sorry about all of this” I said.
” I came for you to help us find her, we need all the help we can get, please my you have to help us” she said.
” okay ma’am, uhmm…….i will come over to your house tomorrow” I said.
” No no, we’ve wasted too much time already……please let’s just go right now” she said.
” Fine, let’s go” I said then grabbed my laptop and we went out of my office.
I told the ASP to take over the precinct cause I have something urgent I need to attend to.
” that’s what you said the last time, before you went missing ” The ASP said.
” hopefully it won’t be like that this time around” I said then I went out of the station.
Mrs Martins and I entered her car and she drove off.

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