Protected: MEANT TO BE: Chapter 61-The End

(being Elva)

Chapter 75


Zeemah writes ?

?Elva’s POV?

Mig was driving along a narrow road between two outcrops of rock.
I could see a wide fertile valley on the lower slopes of hills.
I caught the glimpse of the silver ribbon of a was so small and cute.

I look forward to where Mig is driving me to.
I looked over at him and saw that he was concentrated on the road looking so cute.
His thick black hair is brushed down to his forehead looking like those handsome Koreans.
He’s wearing a denim jacket…just so you know,Mig loves denims a lot.
I saw his small red lips curved into a smile.

“Quit staring wifey…am i that handsome?” He teased.
“Ahh…no you are so ugly” I taunted and his eyes widened.
“Yeah…my husby is so ugly…” I teased.
I saw his face change into a slight frown…I laughed.

“Com’on Mig…you look more ugly when you frown”
“Aaaargh” he smirked…”you are one hell of a teaser” he said and i laughed.
I dragged his cheek playfully…
” I can’t wait for us to get to where you are taking me”
“Of course you can’t … I hope you will like the place” He shrugged.
“Why not… let’s get there first” I said
“I guess you gonna wake me once we get there” I yawn.

“But you just woke up from a nap” he said.
“Yeah..I don’t just know the reason I’m falling helplessly asleep” I said.
“I know the reason” He grinned.
“Really… what’s the reason?”
“You are still tired from yesterday’s…..” he completed his statement with a grin.

My cheeks grew pink and i quickly face the window.
I heard him chuckled…”Com’on babe, you don’t have to be shy or something. We are both a couple and I’m still looking forward to tonight” He said and i faced him immediately.

“For what?” I asked.
“Don’t pretend you don’t know” He smiled.
“Damn..I gat a naughty husby”
“Yeah yeah and i gat a food monger as a wifey” he said.

I hit him repeatedly on his shoulder while he kept on laughing.
“Damn…wifey we are gonna have an accident” He said and i quickly stopped hitting me.. facing back to the road.
He laughed…”I so much love you” he said and i smiled.
“I know you do but i love you more” I said.
“And i love you most” he said.
“I love you more most” I said with a chuckle.
“ wanna shatter my head” he laughed.
I also laughed.

He turned into another road and headed into the woods.
“Wow…Mig are you kinda bringing me to a desert?” I asked.
“Hold on…we will get there soon and you decide if it’s a desert or not” he said.

Ahead of us…I could see a .. a beautiful castle..
“Mig…OMG” I screamed in excitement as he quickly parked.
I jumped out and started running towards it.
“Elva hold on” Mig called running after me.
I stood in front of the castle and gazed on in amazement.

It was so large and’s architecture was a traditional Moorish style.
Sunlight shone through the narrow iron covered Windows..
It has a natural stronghold design,it’s four stories high washed in a dust of gold..there are beautiful surrounded balconies.
Bright slashes of different colors tumbled from the pots of bougainvillea blossom.
“Paradise Castillo” written boldly at the far top with gold dust..
“Wow… it’s truly paradise…this is beautiful” I muttered.

“Elva” Mig called.
“Huh?” I answered not taking my eyes off the castle.
“Damn…why did you ran off like that?” He said.
“Mig this is beautiful!” I screamed and ran to hug him.

“Wow..I’m glad you like it…let’s go in” he said.
“In?” I asked.
“Of course…I reserved this place for us” He said.
“Really? this not some place where a king lives with his royal family?” I asked.

“Yeah it is..or rather it was royal blood owns it now,it has been turned into a place for Honeymooners and i decided this might be the best place to spend our day”
“Wow … Yeah it is, can’t wait to go in” I dragged Mig’s hand and began heading towards the beautiful steel gate.

An elderly manservant was waiting to usher us in.
We bowed in greetings and he also did the same.
I grinned as he let us through a long corridor ….
I gasped in surprise at the sight in front of me.

Gosh…Mig knows how much i love natural things.

I looked over at Mig happily..

?Mig’s POV?

Her white teeth flashed in the sunlight..
Her beautiful lashes flipped twice and i almost drool.

She glowed with enthusiasm as she made her way across me…this is another side i haven’t seen with Elva.

She looks pure happy…she pulled me into a hug.i hugged her back and held her tightly.
How could i ever be happy without her.
“Thanks Mig,i love you” She said.
“It’s nothing Elva,i know how you cherish natural things…I love you more” I said.
“I love you most” she said.
“I love you more most” I said and we both bursted into laughter.

? Fleur’s POV?

I laughed so hard as Braun kept tickling me..
“Br-au-n St-op pl-ea-se” I choked in between laughter.
He finally stopped but i kept on laughing.
A day after Migvin’s wedding,we were relaxing in Braun’s house when he suddenly started tickling me.

He smiled and picked up his phone from the bedstand.
“Look.. Migvin’s wedding is all over the internet” He said showing me his iPod.
I smiled happily…”I’m happy for them,they finally get to be together after all the stress and all” I said.
“Yeah…and do you know what?”
“What?” I asked.
“Our wedding is coming up next” He said.
“Awwn really?”
“Of course yes and trust me it’s gonna be blast” he said.

“I can’t wait” I beamed.
“Of course you can’t” he dropped his iPod and turned to face me.
“I would say you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.. thanks so much for being in my life Fleur. I love you so much” he said with so much intensity.
I smiled…”have i ever told you the reason i call you my prince charming?” I asked.

“No,is there a reason?” He asked.
“Yes there is… you know I’ve always seen you in my dreams even before we met” I said..his face widened.
“Wow… really?” He asked.
“Yeah…you always appear in my dream..all loved up…I had loved you even before i set my eyes on you”
He smiled ” and i had loved you the day i set my eyes on you” He said pulling my cheeks in his palms.

I grinned..”do you remember when you first came to Mr Winters company and i fainted immediately you entered” I said and we both laughed.

“I’m so glad..I gat someone who love me truly,who love me without even seeing me,who love me with my flaws and i will use this period to ask you the question that’s gonna determine if i will live or not…my princess charming will you marry me?” He popped the question before going down on his knees bringing out a beautiful golden ring.

I gasped,my eyes building up in tears, i held my chest with my hand as i stared at Braun wide-mouthed .
Is there anything on earth that will make me more happy than getting married to my prince charming,the only person i love most after my brother..
My dream has finally come true..
Tears rolled down my cheeks in disguise of my happiness.

“I will marry you prince charming” I said.
He smiled abd slipped the ring into my finger before pulling me into a hug.
“I love you” he screamed and carried me in a bridal style rolling me round the room.
I screamed in excitement.

We both landed on the bed with a thud, looked at each other and started laughing.

We stopped laughing and found our lips inches apart,who would resist those soft pink lips.
“I love you princess charming and i will, forever”
“I love you Prince charming and i will, forever”

And our words were sealed with an everlasting kiss.

?Dianne’s POV?

I smiled happily as i watch Michael played around the park with Dan who has started calling Mike dad.
We came to the park with all the children..I mean Dan’s countryside friends.
Michael accepted me with my kid…can i ever be more happy.

Michael is the only guy i want,the only guy with the kindest heart,the only guy i love most after my dad and Dan.
Our future is certain and i can’t wait to go into our bright future.

“Dan.. your mum is jealous” Mike said with a chuckle,he picked Dan in his hands and walked towards me.
“Mum is jealous” Dan said sticking out his little pink tongue.
I laughed…

They both sat beside me with Dan in our middle..
Mike and i quickly stole a kiss.

Dan looked at us suspiciously with those tiny blue eyes.
I laughed so as Mike … Dan is so smart and curious.

“I want my kiss too” he said and i gasp..

Ahh…he saw us!

Mike laughed…”Com’on Dan..mum and dad is gonna give you a kiss” He said and pecked him on the cheek.
Dan smiled “Mum…it remains you” he said.
I pecked him on the cheek..he squealed happily beaming his incomplete teeth at us.

“I love you mum,I love you Dad” He said.
“We love you too son” Mike and i chorused.

“Dan..go play with your friends over there,we will come get you soon” Mike said pointing to where his friends are playing.

Dan grinned happily running over to his friends.

“I so much love Dan..he’s so smart and cute” Mike said.
“Thanks Mike” I said.
“I’m glad you and Dan are gonna be part of my family…you don’t know how happy i am to have the only two people i love around me, forever” he said holding my hands in his.
“And you also don’t know how glad we are to have you in our lives…” I said.
“I love you so much Dianne”
“I love you more Mike” I said..
He pulled me up and kissed me before pulling me into a hug.

“I want my hug too” We heard and turned to see little Dan hopping towards us.
We laughed..
Mike scooped him into his arms and together we all embraced smiling happily….

Right now…I’m the happiest person on Earth…yes i am cause I’m surrounded by my love ones… Forever ??

?Mr Winters POV?

I laughed as Alicia swayed her hips to the beat of the music…we are in my room and she decided on entertaining me with her funny dance steps..
I’ve been laughing since…my ribs ache.

“Ali-ci-a ple-as-e st-op dan-cin-g my ri-b-s ac-he” I said in between laughter.
I laughed so hard when she twisted her butt which made her land to the ground.

She joined me in the laughter and we both laughed for some minutes before stopping.
She stood up and paused the music before landing beside me on the bed.
There is never a dull moment with Alicia,she cracks funny jokes and her meals are wow..she doesn’t allow the maids to cook for us both…she goes into the kitchen and cook herself.
She now has different cafeteria all over the Mexico with people controlling it for her.

We both go to work once in a while…
I’m so happy everything is now going first daughter is on her honeymoon with their wedding trending the internet..
Everyone Is happy looking forward to more good things.

“Darling when will they be back from their honeymoon..I miss Vinnie,she helps me in cooking” Alicia said.
“I think they will be spending up to three months” I said.
“Wow.. that’s nice… enjoyment galore”
I smiled stroking her hair looking into her deep blue eyes.

“Ethan” She called.
“I’m glad for all you’ve done for me, thanks so much..I appreciate” she said.
“It’s nothing Alicia…I did everything cause i love you. You brought joy into my life,you made me laugh on a daily basis don’t you notice I’m getting younger” I smiled.

“Of course you are,you are getting younger and cuter..that’s one of the reasons i keep loving you ” She said rubbing my chest.
I smiled happily.
“Do you know having you in my life is one of the best things that has ever happened to me” I said touching her blushed cheeks.
“Wow…Having you also in my life is the best thing that has ever happened to me…I’m so grateful for having someone like you,I’m certain the rest of our lives will be in harmony” She said happily.

“Yes it will” I said before pecking her forehead happily.

? Selena’s POV?

I laughed happily as Tim chased me round the little garden in our house…
Yeah… we’ve been given the chance to live independently by Mr Winters..
He provided two houses and three cars for us with suitable jobs.

I’m so happy i finally get to live on my own..not only on my own but with the love of my life,the guy I’ve always loved since I’ve started working in the Winters mansion.
Tim! He finally became mine and that’s the happiest thing that has ever happened to me since my parents death.

I love him so much and he loves me too.

We both fell on the grass,he pulled me on top of him and i playfully hit his chest.
“Hit me all you want babe, your hands are like feathers” He laughed.
” Are you mocking me?” I asked with a fake frown.
He nodded.
“I’m gonna punch your nose” I threatened.
“Yeah go ahead..I guess i won’t even feel it” He said laughing again.

“…are my hands that weightless?”
“No your hands are tiny and beautiful,just the way i love it” He said kissing my hands..
I smiled and stared into his eyes.

“Tim” I called.
“Yes love” he answered bringing more smile to my face.
“I would have argued vehemently if i was told months back that we would both be together in our own house today”
“Me too but i had planned on dating you for long” he said.
“Really?” I asked in surprise..
I had always thought Tim doesn’t have any feelings for me then.

“Yes Selena,you’ve been in my heart from the very day i set my eyes on you”
“Wow” I blushed.
“I didn’t choose you…my heart did,I love you so much Selena and i will gladly spend the rest of my life with you and no one else” He said and my smile widened.
“Thanks so much Tim for wanting to spend the rest of your life with me…I’m so glad…the one thing i would also love most in the world is to forever be with you for the rest of my life” I said.

He smiled and drew my head closer to his placing my lips on his.

My wish finally came true!

? Moira’s POV?

I finished performing surgery on the patient and it was successful.
I walked back to my office…
All thanks to Surgeon Fleur who taught me all i need to know.
I’m now a professional in my field of work.
I opened the door to my office and walked in.
I pulled off the coat and hanged it on the hanger before sitting on my swirling chair.

I smiled happily ….
To be a professional nurse and surgeon has always been my dream and I’m so glad I’m fufilling it…I’m now called to put some practitioner nurses through.

I jolted out of my thoughts as my phone rang.
I picked it up and smiled on seeing the caller ID.

It’s Tony!

“Hi love” he said into the phone..
“Hey babe, what’s up?” I said with a face full of smile.
“I’m good…I’m outside your hospital to take you out for lunch” He said.
“Ohh… really?” I smiled.
“Yes babe”
“Alright…I will join you outside soon” I said.
“Okay love you”
“Love you too” I said before disconnecting the call.

I smiled happily as i stood up, putting on my heels,i adjusted my short pink gown,then carried my hand bag before heading outside.
Tony and i started dating just last week and wow…this guy made me feel like I’m on top of the world.

He’s so cute and caring and i love him so much.
My mum and i are finally happy,after years of hardship..

I stepped out of the hospital and sighted Tony beside his car.
Mr Winters gave him two houses and three cars with a job to live independently..
That man is a blessing,he’s also the same man who’s making my mum happy,he’s so generous and well loved by people..I’m so happy to be involved with a family like his.

I ran into Tony’s outstretched arms,we engaged each other in a hug….

? Ben’s POV?

“Claire” I called from the living room.
“Yes love..I’m coming” Her beautiful voice said from the bedroom.
I smiled….I didn’t know i will end up getting engaged to Claire..
I had just wanted it to be a fling but her love held me captive.
I couldn’t let go of her anymore.

We just returned from Mexico.. yesterday was Elva and Mig’s wedding and damn.. they were so cute together…I’m so happy for them…

Braun…who is Fleur’s fiance has reconstructed our hospital and it’s more advanced..we all thanked him yesterday at the wedding. He’s a benevolent man.. Fleur is so lucky to get someone like that considering how crazy she is.

I felt a wet kiss on my cheek and turned to see Claire standing beside me, beaming with smile.

I pulled her on my laps and kissed her.
Just a kiss from Claire use to make me happy,what if i have all of her,that would be load of happiness..

I never thought i will be this happy.. yeah,i never thought so but i am.

Happiness is free!

?Maisey’s POV?

I laid on the hammock in New York beach in my bikini, sipping my wine.
My boss has gone for her honeymoon and i was given enough money to also go on a holiday till they are back and here I am in New York enjoying my life.

I’ve never felt this happy when i was with Mrs Winters but just months of working with Migvin,i felt like im in paradise.

My eyes went to that cute guy beside me and i caught him staring at me.
He quickly turned away.
I smiled and picked my iPhone .

I logged on to my Instagram account and saw it filled with news of Fallen angels wedding..
I smiled as i scroll through their beautiful pictures..

“Hi” I heard and looked up..
The cute guy… looking into his pure silver Iris…I knew he’s the one..
The guy for me.

“Hello” I replied and that begins our love..

??Two months later…??

?Mig’s POV?

I strolled into the room with steaming chocolate cookies and met Elva smiling at iPod .
I bent over and kssed her before kssing my tiny baby in her stomach..

Yeah…Wifey is a month pregn@nt.

She smiled and threw a cookie in her mouth.
“Husby…I’m thinking i should order this gown for Fleur’s wedding” She said showing me a beautiful purple gown on her iPod.
“’s beautiful,go ahead” I said sticking more cookies into her mouth.

“Ahh… Mig look at this” she said with a chuckle.
I glanced at her iPod and saw the both of us on our wedding trying to hide our face from the was captioned ” Trending shy”
I chuckled alongside with Elva..

“This our marriage thing has not died down” I said.
“Yeah…let it keep trending,i love it that way” Elva said.

We are still in Paris on our honeymoon…we planned on honeymooning for three months but we have to go back to Mexico for Fleur’s wedding which is next week.
Staying here alone with Elva is real fun.
We go out virtually every day and I’m very happy with our lives.
We’ve all decided not to touch the golds in the countryside…we are gonna leave the golds there and make it a generation thing,it will be passed from generation to generation without anyone touching it.

“Babe once you are done with the cookies,let’s go out to the garden it’s a beautiful night” I said.
“Awwn really?” She asked.
“Yes baby”
“Let’s go now .. please” She said already getting up.

“No,we are just getting back from the beach,and you haven’t had anything,i don’t want you to starve our baby” I said and she smiled sitting back.
She rubbed her stomach with her hands grinning at me.
She had been so happy about when the doctor told us that she’s carrying a baby … I’m also damn happy.

“Our baby will be so cute” She said.
“Of course..not when he or she has two fallen angels as parents” I said and we both chuckled.


We both laid on the grass in the garden staring at the star-filled sky.
“It’s a beautiful night with no moon,every star is bright and visible” Elva broke the silence.
“Yes it is…can you count the stars in the sky?” I asked.
“Of course no” She said and i smiled.
“That’s how uncountable my love is for you” I said and pulled her closer to me, resting my hand gently on her stomach.

She grinned happily, dipping her tiny hands in my hair.

“Mig” She called.
“What if i didn’t lose my memory, would we have met?” She asked.
“Yes we would” I said.
“Really…how?” I asked.
“Because we are meant to be”

?Elva’s POV?

“Wow!” I exclaimed.
“Yeah…if we are not meant to be,we wouldn’t have met,even if we had met..we would have probably not end up getting you know how a lot of people struggled to ruin our love,do you know the hell we went through before we got to this stage,do you know how many people that do not want us together but here we are happily enjoying our lives…it’s not because of anything else but because we are meant to be” Mig said.

“Awwn..I gat an intelligent husby” I said.
“I’m honored Mrs Vinnie Sydney” Mig said sarcastically and we both laughed.
“I’m the happiest one on earth right now cause i have the most beautiful Wifey and also an upcoming child… thanks Elva for loving me…I will forever be with you” Mig said.

“You also don’t know how happy i am,to have the most handsome husby and also a tiny baby growing in me…I’m so glad that you loved and cared for me even without knowing who i am..I will forever be grateful i will always love you” he said.
I can’t believe i found love while i was being Elva.

He placed his lips on mine,the moonlight suddenly brightened,the birds chirped happy and our baby moved.

Just the touch of his lips on mine sent shivers down my spine,we are gonna be happy forever because;


________?THE END?_______


WITH LOVE??ALWAYS ~~~ Author Zee…


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