Episode 74

The heat between them increased that Ochen unknowingly touched Christiana wound and she winced in pain,
“I’m sorry, Ochen said seeing it..
“Its okay, she said.

“Has it been treated? He asked.
“Yes the nurse changed the bandage today, she replied and she shyly looked at him..

“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that, Ochen said after a while.
“You mean for kssing me? She asked and he nodded.

“Why are you apologizing to me? She asked.
“This feelings should be mutual you know, its like i forced it on you when you were not ready, he said and Christiana was about to say something but his phone began to ring.

“Hello sir, he picked up.
“Yes Ochen, I was thinking if you can come see your brother now he’s calm, James uncle said.

“Right away sir thank you, Ochen replied and dropped the call.
“I have to go see Bale, he’s calm now, he said looking for the car key.

“I’ll come with you, Christy said.
“Okay let’s go, he said and they hurried out of the house.

While driving Christiana kept looking at Ochen and saw he was so worried,
“Maybe its not the right time to tell you how I feel for you, she said in her heart and they arrived at the hospital.

They got in and met a nurse there who took them to Bale room, they entered and saw him lying down with his eyes looking tired.
“Brother, Ochen said and held his hand while he looked at him.
“You came? Bale weakly asked.

“I was here for you, I never left, Ochen replied.
“Thank you, where is mommy? Bale asked and Ochen looked at Christiana who weighed herself on the door as she remembered what Bale did to her.

“Mommy? Ochen asked.
“Yes, isn’t she coming to see me too or did I offend her? Bale asked.

“Ermmm mommy travelled, she’s not aware you’re here but she definitely come to see you, Ochen said.
“Please tell her its lonely here and I want to see her so badly, tell her I miss her so much, Bale said.

“Its okay Bale, take your rest you look tired, Ochen said tapping him..
“Is that your lost girlfriend? You finally saw her? Bale asked referring to Christiana.

“Don’t you know her? Ochen asked.
“No you didn’t show her to us, Bale replied.

“Its alright get well soon okay so I’ll show her to you and mommy, now have your rest so you’ll be strong, Ochen said covering him up and Bale slowly closed his eyes.
Christiana left the room and Ochen met her outside,
“What’s wrong with him? She asked.

“Only the doctor can explain this, he replied and saw her mood.
“What’s wrong? He asked.

“Nothing, I’m just fighting with my feelings here, she said.
“What do you mean? He asked.

“You know what Bale did to I and my daughter right? And I’m visiting him after what had happened, I don’t know if I should feel pity or get consumed with my anger for him, she replied.
“I understand, and ermmm… I apologize on his behalf. I believe a time will come when he will tell you this himself in his right senses, that time when Bale will be alright, Ochen said and Christy was quiet.

“Okay can we go see the doctor? He asked and she nodded following him.
They arrived at his office and he ushered them to sit down,
“You’re Bale brother right? He asked.

“Yes and I just got to see him now, Ochen replied.
“Okay, did you two get to talk? He asked.

“yes and I don’t understand, he was asking strange questions. Questions like when is mommy coming to visit him when he’s aware our mother is already dead, and he can’t recognize her anymore, Ochen replied referring to Christy and the doctor nodded..
“Did he scream as he use to when he saw you? The doctor asked.

“No, he was calm and spoke nicely to me, Ochen replied.
“If so some memories of his past came to him and he still thinks his mother is alive. Your brother situation was almost at the peak of him walking on the street naked. He does things without knowing and after a while it comes to his senses then he become sober, but changes again immediately, it’s not his fault, the doctor said and Christy heaved as she remembered when Bale was pleading for her to open the door after the rappe.

“But will he be alright? Ochen asked..
“We are going to try our best, at this period everything is going to come on his head and be expecting more strange questions from him,but be careful how you reply him so you won’t get a violent reaction from him, the doctor replied.

“Its alright doctor, please do all you can to help my brother out of this mess, I’ll be so grateful if you do that for me, Ochen said.
“Don’t worry about, the doctor said and Ochen got up to leave same with Christiana.

“I have to go back to the hospital, Regina must be waiting for me, Christiana said when they got into the car.
“I’m aware of that, he said..

‘So are you dropping me off? She asked.
“Sure, why not but I want to do something first, He replied and drove off………..


The case was getting too hot for Akello and he tried bribing his way through, but unfortunately there was no room for corruption as Pius made every where tight with his money.

He got scared as he thought about his wife and kids who visited him in the morning begging he shouldn’t end up in jail.

Then he thought about his sister as he remembered his wife words telling him to turn the table on her knowing he has a family to take care of, after all she has lost hers.

He sat crying on his own thinking of what will befall his sister and some cops opened up the gate,
“Are you ready to talk now? A cop asked and he looked at them saying nothing.
“Pick him up, a cop said and Akello was raised up from he sat and was dragged out.

“I am still asking you same question for a week now, and this is your last chance, who ki lled Cynthia Mukasa? A cop asked sternly looking at him and Akello swallowed.
“Think carefully of all you will lost, think of your family and don’t mess this chance up, who ki lled Cynthia Mukasa? The cop asked again and Akello closed his eyes.

“Achen, he replied.
“Who is Achen? The cop asked.

“My….. My sister, He replied.
“Why Achen? The driver and the daughter saw it was you who took her away, The cop said.

“Yes i took her away and I got to see my sister, I was only thinking she wanted having a word with her knowing she was Pius Mistress, and she told me to go home to my family that night. My sister has never ki lled anyone and I never thought she will do that, though she went to my house earlier that same day and stole my gvn.

That was how i got to meet her to get my gun back from her, but she refused giving it to me saying i must get Cynthia for her. I was scared for my gun knowing I’ll be in one big mess, she promised me she won’t do anything and i had to get her. If i had any bad intention, i would have ki lled the driver and her daughter to hide my identity, but my thoughts was far from that.

I got home leaving them together, maybe they got into an argument or so, but i got to hear from her she mistakenly ki lled Cynthia because they had an argument which led to a fight which i don’t know if its true. I was so weak and i didn’t know what to do, but she told me she has dis pose her body and no one will know who did it, Akello narrated while the cops listened attentively recording all that he said.

“That will be all for today, take him back, the cop said and Akello was taken away.
He covered his head on the wall crying his eyes out,
“I’m sorry Achen, I’m so sorry! He cried out hi tting his fist on the wall…………


Ochen drove Christy to a boutique and got wears for Regina, then took her to a supermarket and got provisions for her to travel with.
He drove her back to the hospital and got into Regina room and met her playing with Mukasa while James was sleeping in a corner.

“Mommy! Regina shouted climbing on the bed and Christy carried her pecking her.
“I see you were busy with Daddy, Christy said.

“Yes and i won him twice, Regina said and she smiled.
“Uncle got this for you, Christy said giving her the bag.

“Wow uncle thank you, Regina said.
“You’re welcome baby, Ochen said and drew near to James who was still sleeping despite the noise.

“Sleeping prince, Ochen said drawing his ears and he woke up cleaning his eyes.
“Hey you finally came? James asked.

“Yes sir I finally came, Ochen said and James smiled.
“Can i see you outside Ochen? Mukasa asked.

“Sure, Ochen said and went out with him.
“Is there a problem? Ochen asked.

“No not at all, i just want to say I’m happy its you. Christiana and my daughter is safe with you and i don’t need to worry about them, please take care of them, Mukasa said and Ochen slowly nodded.
“Thank you, Mukasa said tapping him on his shoulders and left for his room…………….


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