Richard returned home very much exhausted. Truth be told, he wasn’t used to doing any work in his former position.

Everything was being managed by his secretary or the person under him, whose position he was presently occupying.

This demotion of his was beginning to teach him how hectic leaving the whole work to one person like he did can be, and what an average person goes through to have a source of livelihood.

All these didn’t seem to bother him more than how K was able to secure a job in the company

“Welcome dear, what would you love to eat?” He heard his wife ask while lost in thoughts but he ignored her.

“You look famished. I prepared your favourite meal; would you love to eat?” She asked again, after some moment of silence.

“Where is it?” Richard asked coldly.

“It’s on the dinning table.”

“Go, I’m coming.” He said with a wave of hand as she stared at him for a while before leaving.

“You look worried. Is anything the matter?” She asked as she noticed he had been in the sitting room, lost in thoughts for a while now.

“Woman I’m fine. Just let me be.” He responded.

“But I’m your wife; I have the right to know what’s bothering you, so we could seek for solution together.

Besides, it’s past bed time already so you being here up on your own means something’s wrong.
What is the problem?”

“Your are my problem Lisa, you are!” Richard snapped immediately.

“Just what is it? Can’t I be alone for sometime to think things through? Must you add to my frustration for goodness’sake?!”

“I was only trying to help.” She said calmly with he head bowed.

“Well, I don’t need your help.” He said and just then, a little boy ran to the living room where they were.

“Mommy, did you call me? I heard someone’s voice.” The little boy who was about 6 years old, said.

“No dear, no one called you. Come, let’s go inside.” She said with a pseudo smile as she glanced back at her husband every now and the, till she was out of sight.

George kept tossing around the bed, unable to sleep despite being bed time.

The last discussion he had with his wife troubled him so much.
The fact that he asked and she said she saw nothing put into deeper confusion because he found it hard to believe.

He hadn’t wanted to push things further so she wouldn’t suspect a thing, but deep down he didn’t believe her.

On turning and seeing his wife soundly asleep, he decided to sneak out of the room to go see for himself.

He slowly opened the door with the original key and made sure he didn’t make much noise to wake anyone up as they were all asleep.

He flashed up and down the room with his torchlight before walking in.

“Empty? But how?” He thought to himself

“But how did it happen? Where did everything go? I don’t understand.”

“Looking for something?” He heard his wife say from behind as she simultaneously put on the room light.

“Ra…. Rachel. What are you doing here this late?” He asked nervously.

“Well I wasn’t deep into sleep so I noticed when you got off bed and tiptoed out of the room.”

“Oh….” He said

“What are you doing here and what’s that you’re expecting to see that’s no longer here?” She asked with a serious tone as she crossed her arms beneath her chest.

“Nothing, I…..”

“When I came into this room, was I supposed to meet something here? Is there something I should know.”

“No….I didn’t say so. Let’s go back to bed or have a glass of juice shall we?” He said but Rachel went ahead of him and locked the door with the key he had left there.

“George we’ve been married long enough for me to detect when you’re lying or hiding something from me.

Seriously, we’re a couple and shouldn’t keep secrets from each other. Now tell me, what is it you’re hiding?”

“Nothing I….”

“Okay then, of you say so.” She said, grabbing a chair to seat.

“Rachel please it’s too late to start any argument tonight.
Okay can we at least leave this place and settle things amicably?” George pleaded.

“Honey we’re not going anywhere until you tell me what this place is all about.”


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